I was born in year 1959, and now I am working in the Institute of Applied Physics, Military University of Technology. The optical fibre elements technology, theory and application concerning non telecommunication optical fibre usages are my initial scientific interest. At present, the main field of my scientific interest is photonics technology application for sensors devices including: hybrid waveguide transducers employing liquid crystalline materials, new technologies of manufacturing of monocrystals and glasses especially the oxide type ones, the theory of complex semiconducting structures designed for their application in a new generation of the electromagnetic radiation detectors, technologies of advanced fibre optics as well as photonic crystal fibre elements, materials and technologies for hydrogen storage. I am also engaged in the investigation of the polarization problems in a variety of waveguide structures applied in the construction of sensors.
I am married to Kristina and have two daughters – Elizabeth (geologist) and Anna (horticulturist).
My hobbies are swimming in the early morning (at any localisation – see Dubai), in any place on the world, staying up late, skiing, and photography –> see Photos